When this journey first began, my husband and I were filled with excitement, but over time, the journey to start a family became more and more challenging and disappointing. To give you a little history, let me give you some background.
I was never someone who dreamed of having lots of babies some day. I was never someone who stopped and cooed over ever baby nearby. I even started to say that I didn't know if I wanted to have children. My husband and I got married when we were in our late 20's and I knew that he wanted a family one day, but he was okay with my feelings for the time-being. But the time came 4 years after we were married, when my husband decided that he wanted to start a family. And I knew. And he knew too. I'd always known that it was going to be difficult to conceive and it is probably why I had put it off for so long. I had troubling and difficult cycles and was told by doctor's that it wasn't going to be easy. So I put it off. And off. And off. Until I finally realized and truly understood the importance of family, passing on the bloodline, the next generations, you name it, I thought of it and not wanting to wait any longer.
Unfortunately, they were right. It has been a difficult and troubling journey. If you've experienced infertility, then you know just how disappointing and sad that it can be. Initially, we kept it very private, only talking to a few close friends 6 months or so into the "trying" game. My husband and I are both private people and didn't want to have to answer alot of questions or receive sympathies. Now jump ahead, and we are going into our third year of infertility and for me, heartache and frustration. Some friends said, "your probably depressed and need to see someone". I knew that I hadn't been myself for quite some time. I looked into counseling and support groups, but still haven't taken that step. I did however read "A Few Good Eggs" by Julie Vargo and Maureen Regan. The two women had both been through the "insanity of infertility", as they called it, and I could completely relate. This book has helped me in so many ways, I only wish I read it sooner. Because of their insights, I have slowly been able to talk more about our infertility battle. Baby steps (no pun intended).
So here I am. Almost 35, wishing that my revelation happened years earlier, trying to beat the clock, but you can't turn back time. To make a long story short...I spent way too long going to my OBGYN when I should have known that it was time to go to an infertility specialist or Reproductive Endocrinologist much sooner. So after going to the specialist, countless tests, surgery and more tests and blood work...unexplained infertility. How can there not be a reason why? Apparently that is the case more often than not for many couples. So the treatment plan? Infertility medication with timed intercourse for 2 months and then again the third month, but with IUI. If that doesn't work, on to IVF. Quite a rapid plan.
So fingers crossed, maybe 2012 will be our year. Yesterday was the first day and today, it's day 2. Not too many side effects yet, just a weird headache. Have you or anyone else that you know had good results with this medication? How are you doing on your infertility journey?